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The Best Time to Visit Pondicherry, a charming coastal town on the southeastern coast of India, is during the winter months, from October to March. This period offers the most favorable weather for tourists. From October to March, the climate is pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F). This comfortable weather allows you to explore the city, its French colonial architecture, and vibrant markets without the discomfort of extreme heat or heavy rainfall. The beaches are inviting, and outdoor activities like water sports are enjoyable during this time. Avoid visiting in the scorching summer months from April to June when temperatures can soar above 40°C (104°F), making outdoor excursions less appealing. The monsoon season from June to September brings heavy rainfall, which can lead to flooding and disrupt your plans. Traveling during these times is less recommended. In summary, the best time for a Pondicherry visit is during the winter season when the weather is mild, and you can fully enjoy the city's attractions, serene beaches, and cultural experiences. It's a time when you can make the most of your visit while avoiding extreme weather conditions.