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Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Best Vacuum Cleaner’s Efficiency: 2020

Modern top rated vacuums are incredibly powerful and efficient. A good vacuum cleaner can tackle just about every cleaning surface there is from hardwood floors to even the thickest of carpets. But that doesn’t mean the cleaning power of your vacuum can’t be improved.
In this article, we have a number of tips and tricks that you can use to drastically improve your best rated vacuum cleaner’s cleaning potential.
Make House Rules
Make house rules so that you will have less cleaning jobs to do around the house. For example, if you allow people to wear shoes in the house, of course you will be dealing with much more dirt in the carpets and on the floors. So it’s better to just tell people to leave their shoes at the door when they entered. As a result, the only place that you really need to clean is at the door where all of the dirt gathered.
If, for whatever reasons, you don’t want to impose this kind of rule, put doormats in front so that people can wipe their shoes.
For pet owners, you can restrict your dog from entering places like the bedroom or to jump onto furniture to control pet hair around the house.
Don’t Just Go Over the House Once
Even the Top Rated Vacuum Cleaner with the strongest suction power can’t guarantee you spotless clean after just one pass. It’s better to go over one area several times to make sure that every dirt particle and gunk is effectively scrubbed from the floor and the carpeting.
This is even more important for pet owners, considering how difficult it is to pluck pet hair from out of furniture. In a few cases that we have seen with some vacuum cleaners, it could take as much as a dozen passes to completely clean an area free of pet hair.
Clear Your Vacuum
Both bagged vacuums and bagless ones need you to clear their dust bags or their internal dust cup every once in a while. It’s going to be really hard to clean when the bag or the cup are both full to capacity, so it’s good practice to check the bag or the dust cup of your cleaner daily.
Most bagless vacuums have a window that you can peer into to see whether it has reached capacity. Although you can certainly still clean with your dust cup partially full, we still highly recommend that you empty it if possible. Starting your cleaning session with an empty cup is more effective.
For bagged vacuums, we recommend that you throw away the bag and replace it with a new one when it’s three-quarter full. Keeping it any fuller and you are at risk of clogging up the hose or other components inside of the vacuum. When this happens, you will notice a change in the suction power, so watch out for the signs.
Spot Clean
If you spill something onto your carpets, it is highly advisable that you spot clean it immediately to keep your carpeting in better condition for longer. Although vacuum cleaners aren’t exactly known for their ability to treat spots, it is not a shabby idea to use a spot cleaner to scrub it up.
If the spot you are dealing with is especially stubborn, consider using a steam cleaner. While spot cleaning already does the job most of the time, applying steam onto the carpet can help remove the stain more efficiently and prolong the life and look of your carpeting, as well.

Ending this short tips and tricks article for the best vacuum cleaners, we hope the article has brought useful information to you.


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